minayaJ | Poetry Vibe
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Written Thoughts.

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Views: 296

Si te digo la verdad tu no me cres

If I tell you the truth you don't believe me

Aveces la gente prefieren una mientira y tu 

Sometimes people prefer a lie how about you?

Por eso hay que vivir la vida cada dia

That's why you have to live life everyday

Con la cabesa llena de orgullo

With your head held high full of pride

Y el corazon puro como la sangre

With the heart pure like blood

En un momento inesperado todo se puede ir

In any moment unexpectedly everything can leave

Este no es un poem para ti

This is not a poem for you

Pero es unas palabras que quieras compartir

But a few words I wanted to share

Unos pensamientos que llegaron 

Thoughts that came 






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LP45 says:

Muy buen trabajo! Very nice work. (and yes, I googled it. LOL,) hope I got it right. Thank you for sharing this.

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