Tru Sista | Poetry Vibe
Tru Sista
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11000
contest winner
A Poetic Storm

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Views: 439


My he eats turkey sandwiches to lower his cholesterol levels. So he can handle a sister that’s clever like me.

He fires up a heavy blunt to fly through the clouds. It reminds him of the sexiness of the black woman and how strong and powerful she is.

See my holds his right arm in the air fist bald up while the left arm embraces the ambrosia of the hips and curves of his sister.

But my , see he has every eye open and all his senses are adjusted to see through the bull that get throws his way.

My has a smell of chocolate and his blackness tastes of the earth.

TruSista ©2017


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LP45 says:

Nice. Very nice work.

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