SYQ222 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 356

time and space was I not, an immortal sphere, germinating out from the dawns of life’s unimaginative.  It’s an exhilarating ride, each incident of  each intervals of each moment of life's timetable.  Born without a clue, a lack of understanding, consciousness became and sometimes it was stolen, disconnected from the security of her umbilical-cord, no more free dining, uncovering life’s challenges, a myriad of stones to overturn, matter against matter is a constant collision yet there is still beauty in it. Life is hypnotic, as it is hard to stay sober, certain scenes  in your view seem to play over and over like the song in your head your intuition failed but wisdom is now taking over, curiosity had your attention, Faith whispers take heed and listen but it's up to you. Faith is not, Genie in a vessel. Do not be dismayed, hello my Dear, veer to the right, hold on tight and welcome to life


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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Nice! Life is hypnotic... love the flow!

SYQ222 says:

Thank you so much. I appreciate that coming from you!

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mrmelody7 says:

Deep and wise

SYQ222 says:

Thanks I appreciate that from you!!!

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