SYQ222 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 382

You have force my hand and I will lay down my Queen of Spades, its the only way. Take note and here me, it aint over.  My lobes hear the high frequencies of the famous classical ... The Fifth Element...coming the lips of that plump opera singer. Don't get too comfortable sitting oval.... We The People are still voting... at  we are the hands that built Wall Street, together our currency is long and strong. We are the checks and balances.  10 more grains of sand, and its count down, your dysfunction is embarrassing, my patience is tapped out, this isnt just about me its more about my unborn grandchild. Missiles flying trying to get your attention, my telepathy  tells me heaven ain't ready for me, maybe you should share a glass of diplomacy and stop flexing Cearsar's dead energy, running the white house like a pagan, maybe I should take a trip in a time capsule do a matrix and rule the world and become the First Woman President.

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