HaakimUAllah | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 4900
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Just a lil stretching while I work through this block

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busy bull--itting



Views: 283

In order to be real sometimes you have to be fake

To bide your time in the choices you make.

Not every opportunity is the best one

and you can't let known all the moves you'll make.

for sanity's sake stay alert and awake.

Complacence and sloth you have to shake

stay on point with it

Success has no expiration date.

now is the time to extract the great

inner G within, make your own fate

make your own plate... how you wanna eat?

you gonna go half assed or make it complete?

everything is real so write your history

even if you have to put on an air of mystery

you know what it is, stop playin

ahm just sayin

the only excuse you have is the bull--it lies you tell yourself

git that --it done while you still have health



(C) Haakim U Allah 2017


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