Mona_LisaNvaSmiles | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3400
lightness in the dark
Up late but always on time one love

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Views: 268
There's no one out here to help the homeless never in my life I thought this would be me Busting myto see where home is Yet they say home is where the hurt is Well my heart is in hell From different hotels to sleeping in my whip at the park You can't get mad when people don't want to deal with you no more No hot food Cold showers at the gym thankful for spring Could you image that winter wind Still driving to work haven't had a second to think About my mentally Wondering did any of them see me Going home to home avoiding family stares Then I see someone like me really worst than me They don't have a car But they have a heart and needed to eat I make sure you eat I give you Spare change spare change spare change Nothing material means a thing Because I'm not gonna be able to get gas But it's OK I listened Collecting stories Person to person we all relate Eviction notice, just didn't pay, check came too late, went to court, went through divorce, abuse, family put me out, walked out, just wanted to be free, gonna make something of myself on my own, story after story, wishing all of these people good luck and to anyone in a situation like mines you gotta keep ya head high and look at life between the lines there's no home for a heart literally home is where and who you make it with closed in or open don't depend on materials and shidd learn to enjoy your time

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Carmello yello says:

This is a real issue that needs sorted in our nation ASAP. You have a very unique perspective and a strong voice. Keep writing, keep fighting, good days are coming~

Mona_LisaNvaSmiles says:


Mona_LisaNvaSmiles says:


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