2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Sleepers' Lullaby


Views: 405



Night, Night, close them eyes

If you ever want to see revolutions rise

Fighting to see better days realized

Droughts to mind come from no tears inside

So cry out pain and displeasure til freedom reigns

See your contrived world as it is, an imaginary place

Understand this Knight in you is meant for rescue

Material will avail nor prevail over the spirits that bless you

So let the still that is peace to permeate at will

No hope is the curse of daze sent to destroy promise

Strength can not be bought or sold to unawakened souls

Humility is the weapon of choice to share in grace

So sleep well and fear not sorrows  that can not last

letting the drum of heartbeats assure you  of everlasting love!




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mrmelody7 says:

Proverbs at its best number one commenttator always the wise one with that humble appeal

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks mrmelody7......ONE

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LP45 says:

Absolutely wonderfully written. I enjoyed this 2B, thank you for sharing. Peace and blessings.

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