Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25400
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Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Gummy Bear Love



Views: 273
When I think of you, I think of a bag filled with a variety of color. One coinciding with the next. A peaceful look through a kaleidoscope. Being at ease in a calm hush. A sealed smile found under two big bubble eyes. Two fluffy cheeks, big ears. The prosperity found in a lapel of flavor. Bunched together to create something new entirely. Taking a handful of you and placing it in my mouth, Cascading around a swirling tongue. This is me reliving each moment spent with you. The thought of you protected by a plastic bag. Based solely on this purpose alone is truly mesmerizing. Each thought identical to the next, different in hue. A tropical swirl leaving it's mark on the top of tongues. Spreading joy with every touch. When I think of you. I see the kind of woman I can spend the rest of my life with. Constantly falling in love with flavor after flavor of all that you have to offer. Breathing you in with each swirl that circles around my mouth. The thing about gummy bears, no matter how old you get. They will always be timeless. And so will you. If you were a gummy bear I'd savor each piece of you until there was nothing left. If that should ever happen. I'd be tremendously sad. As my gummy bear would be gone. I can only imagine your expression after reading this. Picturing you as a gummy bear

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