Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 181200
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Deep Blue



Views: 390

 You met me in a place

where time stood still


in profile, a perfect angel


though i, had not the will


to try, to win you over


i had bigger fish to kill...


you challenged me, to do


the only thing i'd ever known


to calm my aching heart


took me back through my life



made me look deeper inside



than anybody knew...


and so did you



together in a way,


we connected the dots



found an uncertain truth


turned yourself inside out


payed a higher price than Gold


changed the pattern of your pathway


so completely, that when you called


you touched my life line with your own


took my half and made it whole...


called me to you... every hour


we spoke on the telephone


and with reassurance in your voice


in a tone steady and sure, gave promise


where i had not much left to lose...


made your choice, before i ever knew


what you had come there for


And once again, the lifeboat i was in


had fortunes smile and hope


for a new journey to begin


  ...a worthy prize to win...


gave my becalmed sails, new wind...


there was no way out...  but further in


and without hesitation or uncertainty


you took me from the shelf


where the pattern of my belief


no longer supported me


and saved me from myself...


something, you would never do


  ...for someone else...


even though, i never asked


this of you, you dared


to take a chance


when you first touched me


i was in the distant blue


beyond reach of anyone


and headed for a fall


i knew was sure come


...and i had no one...


close enough


to bring me back


from where i stood...


crippled, alone


with a song in my heart, i cried...


knowing, it was time to lose


shed my tears and run


i chose between 


a vision and my pride


so as i slipped...


released my grip


doing a swan dive


surrendered my all


fell, twisting and turning


you were the focus


of my dreams...


a way, while i had no means


to give more than


another task for you


to catch Hell for


as you, too...


were barely


hanging on


together we dropped


further down


the well of souls


into the awaiting abyss


where you caught me


did what no one else had ever done


met me with open arms,


gave me your truth...


where i had none


with you i feel a song my heart...





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