Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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  double ruby
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Views: 258


blissful realms of erotic dream evoked images

drift together then just as swiftly parting, lost into shadows

veils of synthetic sound hint at an impending romantic interlude

as whispers of memories which stimulate tides of emotion



An expanding corona strikes the network of nerve endings

sending a senses streaming, coming at you like a locomotive

shocks you into a hyperalert state of confusion

as you awaken into a new reality...  a living hell

finding yourself screaming into hurricane forged winds

your vocal chords are the hammer

...your brain is the anvil...

continuously pounding you to oblivion

connecting into the vast chamber of your inner being

bringing the pain

exploding through places you'd never known existed

before the blowtorch creates a vortex drawing you into it

rippling through what had formerly been your consciousness

your mind reeling backwards into a trance

as every connection to the torrent of impulses

is ripped free from any sense of continuity

creating a chaotic flood of peaking force

transformed into another form of fire

striking in waves

of lightning fast pain reflex hard and fast...

your screams

begin to merge and condense

circling back at you like wind driven rain

suspended in a slow motion strobe effect

like sending the baseball breaking through the window

time and time again, sending shudders of unbearable pain sensations, coursing through your entire body, stem to stern


those who say you'd slowed down considerably

didn't factor in the current side effects

of a hereto unknown calculus

raising the threshhold of pain

to the calculation

of the number of stars heaven









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