WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 172900
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Views: 332

For time and things to begin,
School, work, church, family and friends,
Things to end, 
For deadlines, 
To avoid fines,
For breakfast, lunch and suppertime,
The next pay day and vacation,
For the pump to stop at the gas station,
Some phone calls and emails,
The latest story and gory details,
Holidays and appointments,
At the pharmacy for pills and ointments,
For them to call,
Summer time, spring, winter, and fall,
Court dates, alarms, for the water to boil,
For the permafrost to melt the soil,
For love and lust,
The train, plane, and bus,
Customer service,
Test results - nervous,
About 90 minutes too long at Black church service,
Likes to Social media posts,
The smell and pop up of my Eggo and toast,
Up all night to get lucky,
Hoping that we'll make the sheets funky,
For the afterlife to hear God speak,
For six family and friends to put me six feet deep.

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jlmoore2 says:

Wow! That about sums up life as we know it.

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