WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Views: 344

Five hundred seventy eight poundes and twelve shillings,
Was the sum the families of Salem witches got in reparations,
The morals and irony of our Christian nation,
Native Americans and Negros got reservations and complications,
If it sounds like I complaining you're dam# right,
Protesting is pointless, it would be foolish to put up a fight,
History is filled with injustice and lies,
I have no hope that the future won't be otherwise,
I'm still steaming that missionaries converted us 'Heathens' ,
Enslaved, conquered, and waged war for dubious reasons,
For centuries, decades and scores,
Breed, worked, hung and raped us,
Changed our names, berated and hushed us,
Mistreat us, beat us, steal our art and soul, regulate us,
Discuss us, bus us, fear us, lust us, cuss us, distrust us, mock us, judge us, lock us, con us, curse us, kill us.

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