Charles2 | Poetry Vibe


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Soul free



Views: 399

Pardon me, if i seem a little out of place
it may take awhile for me to catch my breath

...this is not a test

the way you so effortlessly
cast my wildflower seed tumbling into the breeze
spinning round and round... falling gently downwind,
reaching, directly from your heart
...right here to me
pardon me, for all the funny faces
but you're touching me in all the right places

you've set fire to all my fantasies
steamed up the windows of my heart
and lay beside me in more than dreams
...upon my fertile ground

and i love it whenever you're around
hour after hour, you give your love to me
kindled by a heavenly power
setting my ...soul free

germinated, by your love, i grow
feeling fevered in the flow of the energies
all the love i ever wanted to know,
All this bring to me,

and with a pure heart you sing
giving me a taste of what heaven should be
by the sparks of burning kisses
you're sending fresh daily, just for me

comets and cupid, why am i so stupid
misunderstanding, this intervention...
by you, from messengers from above
as if, sent by meteor shower

and for this love, i feel
...that has become my need
created for the love you bring

such a crazy transformation

that's no less than amazing,
...all the wonderful things

you do for me

so, here i am before you

on bended knee
with this flower

i have become just for you
revealing worlds yet to be

with my soul


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