HaakimUAllah | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 4900
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Just a lil stretching while I work through this block

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Chasing yellow



Views: 307

It's that third chakra.


 That center of your chest that vibrates

Makes or breaks your mettle

That shyt that won't let you settle

Won't allow you to stagnate

Solar plexus

Fired up kettle

Pushes and drives you

To work that talent

Find that balance

Meet that challenge

Black coal heart burns but shines with the heat

The sun in you

The rays of hue Insistent beat

Anxious but mellow

Color me yellow

Bright and warm

Flush with energy

Brewing storm

World on alert

Stars are aligned

Even losers get lucky sometimes

Turning lemons to limes

Popping wheelies on the middle line

Bricks in the road turned yellow

About time

Um, about that line

The black heart one

The balance will come

Just keep in mind

Some gold rocks start out black

They are just unrefined

Yellow is the chakra of success, You'll get there in time

Don't let the glitter *** with your mind

Go ahead and plant that seed

And don't get it twisted

You might have to give up on what you want In order to get what you need...


Haakim Understanding... 3/11/17 (C)

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haakimuallah says:

Forgot about that censorship! ...

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mrmelody7 says:

vey well expressed

haakimuallah says:

Thank you... Still trying to figure out how to make it layout the way I want it to on this site... And the topic was a challenge...lol...working on another
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The Immortal Wize says:

Quite profound.

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mrmelody7 says:

About your layout could be your browser some browser didnt work well and I switched browsers never had the problem again Internet explorer the site told me didnt work well so I switched

haakimuallah says:

Thanks Wize Dom ...mrmelody7, I'm using an Android phone...
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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dope flow!

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haakimuallah says:

Thanks, Brother, appreciate it...

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kavindra says:

Nice word play and the chakra

haakimuallah says:

Thank you Kavindra!

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