only the magician knows how magic feels some people will do anything to pay some bills those in the valley want to be up hill the spirit Frame don't care who it kills for what it's worth blood is issued at birth told not to worship idols and at the same time do not neglect the gift that is in you let's not pretend everyone standing on the outside is looking in and everyone inside wants out again we are not content just following so we become leaders preachers teachers but who are our followers are we fulfilled by our leaders or are they hollower's
do our preachers tell us that we are sinners as if they rehearsed these words how can we be filled with sin and empty at the same time truthfully someone is a liar yes someone is lying some will follow some must lead but should you be a leader know this one thing you must be prepared to bleed profusely for those who you choose to lead you may think that you're the s*** but you ain't it if you don't have a Judas kissing you on the lips