mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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One On One...


long distance

Views: 525


A peculiar similarity between you and me:

my “gran-gran” was born a slave being;

yours, seemingly somewhat free.

But now the light, we have seen.


Strange fruits of the same human tree

are you and me.  We

searching the blood soaked rooted key

to the door to set us free.


Reciprocity can be like a raging ;

But I refuse to be as a wretched witch.


Know that I’ll never again allow you to be made shamed;

They raped your ancestors!  Why should you be blamed?


Banana hued—high yellow shade you may be;

but in the end you too, are just as black as me.

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social seer says:

A fine socially conscious poem, penned insightfully.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thinks social seer for the read and time to give feedback. Seems as if the editors removed the word that rhymed with "witch"; if so, then so be it. As for me---the poet---the magnitude of poetic social-cultural commentary is weaken by its omission. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

kavindra says:

perhaps the B--- word may make it more powerful but raging as a metaphor can be just as powerful leaving the reader feeling like raging is something that happens like a beating. I like this poem , it has a lot of meaning. very deep!!!

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mlowe5 says:

kavindra, thanks much for the read and wised, sage feedback. After much thought, I do indeed agree with you as I feel the same way about using the "N" word as if it was a term on "endearment" we ourselves coined. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

kavindra, thanks much for the read and wised, sage feedback. After much thought, I do indeed agree with you as I feel the same way about using the "N" word as if it was a term on "endearment" we ourselves coined. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Nosajm, thanks for the read and the time taken to send supportive feedback. Much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Many thanks, love_supreme. Much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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