WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Daddy Warbucks for President


just different

Views: 331
Makes me so sick, Daddy Warbucks' in bed with the Bolsheviks, Taking away arts and education from Annies, Dissing and grabbing women by the panties, Stole health care and Social Security from granny, And told Punjab too bad! You're fired, go drive a cab, We want 'our' country back, go back to Baghdad! We made a King out of the court Jester, Moronic Tweets and speeches made with the tiniest of hand gestures, Elephants and Donkeys refuse to tell our new King, To stop saying stupid things and that he has no jeans, Our Emperor's sans pants, I cover my face with my hands, In a trance can't stop watching and reading fake news and his rants, It's the beginning of the end America, we stand no chance...

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