I am free
I can be me.
Walk out my house with my natural curls, show the world I’m a wondrous free girl.
I’m not the perfect figure but I love my body anyways. Shoot a smile to those who look at me confusingly.
I am a care giver, independent and lovely as ever. I am magic.
I stand tall, and remain a Goddess till I fall. A woman who always fights, a firm believer of all woman rights.
I am the perfect package, made with love and attraction
I know my worth, I know what I can do, so you belittling me has no say no value.
Walk a day in my red platform heels and tell me how you feel?
I am phenomenal, phenomenally I am.
Beautifully, Elegant … I am a Woman.
With that being said as I explained
I no longer will allow anyone to perish me in chains.
I am free.