Social Seer | Poetry Vibe
Social Seer
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Our first loves remain sacred, apart from the common run of humanity and ordinary mortals, something we can never harm, never defile, never deface. They remain pure in our hearts and minds.


My long lost secret first love, Vicki! I think of your name, your slender, petite, dark body, your eyes that didn't look upon mine as others did; they were expressive, bedevilling, lovesick eyes. How they sparkled!  And your small perfect face that reminded me of the cool, sensual, romantic look of French and Spanish girls. How sophisticated you appeared, but you were only 14! I wanted to run away with you, make you mine forever. But I could not tell you, could not speak. Your lips will never be sweeter than the first and only remembrance of their shy touch to mine, your hair never softer, more luxuriant in its blackness than in the DREAM where I touched it for the first and ONLY time! 

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Heartwarming Capture...thanks for taking me there! ONE

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