No need like before Eve feeding Adam
Losing points due to no need having one
Cause would be a deflection from conception
Like adding incentive to endless distraction
Being first would be the last thing to come to mind
Black lives no longer perceived as after little white lies
Amalgamating memories from reliving tragedies
Crying out loud would come from just knowing all sides
Irony is common to everyone sharing their true identity
Punishment is quick to fix all slip and trips away from reality
Aftertaste would no longer depend upon ingredients baked in
Blood would be read as the hue upon which all families are tied
Blue would not only be contrived by looks upside to see inside
Closing eyes could be the only way to view another sunrise
Nightmares would be hard to believe scientifically possible
Tears only reign as directly manifested precipitation of laughter
So their would be no space to measure or travel to reach the heart of
a given matter!