ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Memorial day


Views: 298

YELLOW Bunting unfurled to shine fir old glory
though in my opinion, Trump will foment hoary
cold chill, whence cometh unofficial start o' summer - his story
will lack love songs, cuz thee only
   ordinary sunny cascade will cloud with worry
Memorial day 
(Although the guidelines underscored against
any rhyming pattern, i felt this poetry 
offers sentiments via that rhythmic
cadence of words that click and clack
like the tapping of pistons oscillating
within the crankshaft of an engine).

Officially called Decoration Day
Proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan
First observed on 30 May 1868
Waterloo N.Y. officially declared the birthplace
By President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966.

Though two score and ten plus years since Appomattox,
a psychological balm
Helped stitch frayed nation to calm
Served as silent psalm
Since bombardment at Fort Sumter qualm!

National holiday most adept
At uniting Civil War fallen soldiers
when fiercely armed as brother in arms crept
Against opposing forces, which took
by surprise “enemies” or found inept
Ill prepared troops with surprise mortal blow,
which ambushed attackers, leapt
Mowing down valiant soldiers
thus becoming slain grooms who eternally slept
Sorrowful lamentable hymns
from widowed brides tears wept.

From that cease fire day
Terminating internecine flay
O’er mounds of earth
whence bones o boys donned blue or gray
A day of remembrance for those
who died in our nation's service lay
Celebrated this last Monday every May
One must know tis not about division nay
Boot about reconciliation
and sacrifice brave heroes did pay
The price of their lives for granted freedoms
enjoyed as American leeway!

Forsooth, now we cherish too, the Poppy red
that grows on fields where valor led,
it seems to signal to the skies
that blood of heroes never dies.









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