youngblackqueen2017 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 251

Tick Tick Tick

The lies

Tick Tick Tick

Your love

Tick Tick Tick

Till the end


This wicked lie you have me keep

I think of it as a tick…then a leap

It is just something I could not repeat

But when the cat is out of the bag

There will be a big relief



How could you keep it up?

Was it for the sake of your love?

What about your lover?

When he finds out there will be no more lies to keep under.


He should have been known

Now don’t blame me when your all alone

Because im going to be gone

But honestly I can’t keep this up for long


Im pretty sure he will be pissed

Just think about all the nights…oops it almost slipped

So how many do you have again?


You ain’t bout to kick me out because of your sins

It ain’t my fault you got so many… oops there I go again

Lord please forgive me for this sin! 

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