Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26200
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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  double ruby
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Views: 195
Within you is a great harvest. One filled with wheat grain and honey. Within you there is no pain or sickness. This is where the greatest gift of all can be found. Planted, along with root free of toxin. Protect yourself from those whom take just to take. Be wise in the time of famine. For every hand that reaches hastily isn't in true need. They seek to abuse and leave you robbed of everything you hold dear. Leaving behind disease, infection. This harvest of great proportion. Selfishly taking to leave you with nothing but emptiness. Alone in a stretch of clear field. Your grain and wheat scattered, littered to dry in spilled honey. In enough time wounds heal. In time this bountiful harvest will grow back. But never will the land rid of the memory of everything once pure and wholesome. Be weary of those whom seek only to trespass. They too come with pretentious smile and promise to never leave

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