catmartan | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark

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In Deep



Views: 386
I race to run...always on the chase... my heart dropping beats... like shells from a shot gun... I'm lost in desperation... seaching for the sun... It's too dark in this place..I can't see the blood in my palms... no need to sound the alarm...I'm not holding a gun... I'm holding a few choice I will keep holding my tongue...I've already made too many mistakes... not trying to ketch a case...accepting all the imitated apologies...never let no one get the best of me...I'm trying to ride out on the sweet chariot... on the day it was set for me...I'm trying to respect others...while respecting myself...while respecting myself...while respecting myself... you wonder why I echo...respecting myself... is all I got left

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

No pun intended but this is very deep.

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