By Street Cries
I don't know man this situation that iam facing unproductive things that iam chaseing
But with faith I go through life tribulations
Trying to figure out the mistakes that iam making
Tired of working a occupation for which I have no passion or no patience
My spirit telling me time for something else
For sometime this is the way I have felt
A long time felt I really deserve wealth
Always been a quite dude move with stealth
Kept my dream to self educated myself only books to help
Elelivate each step top shelf to da rim crim dela crim
No debate word play as sweet as wedding cake
Projecting visuals so masses can relate I repent like jews throwing ashes on the face
When ever I break the rules the Father put in place
Thankful for grace as I walk outside of my space
Cant stay if I want more than base pay
Cup filled more then halfway
Believe in myself and walk the pathway to success never rest like what's next Peace