hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Views: 275


The dark velvet blanket begins its descent
Sprinkled with stars gleaming
like diamonds on display,
Shadows cast their images over mountains that surround me,
Like hugs ancient warriors they stand guarding me like a king;
And I feel loved.
I lie in my bed nestled under a great cottonwood,
While the mountain breeze caresses as a mother's tender touch,
Sounds of night merge with my own inner thoughts,
And we are one.
Night creatures wake to start the second shift
My soul is at peace,
And I feel God.
I am part of this time and it's a part of me.
A marriage of a kind for all is in perfect balance.
Natures plan of existence begins its restful stage,
Would my mentor understand that I failed myself today
Surely yes !
For he has set the scale of life to balance in the end.

This is a time of rebirth, a time to counsel myself,
A time of reflection and meditation,
A cleansing of my heart of the days burdens,
Of self criticism without shame.
Could I ? Would I ? Did I ? And why are all clearly defined with understanding
Night is my solace, I lie wrapped in the cloak of God's protection,
With the mountains my companions,
The creatures my brothers and sisters,
Yesterdays hurts are only a thought,
Todays burdens only a memory.
Problems of tomorrow are quite retrained
As the soothing sounds of nightfall
Lull me gently, oh so quietly to sleep;
And I feel loved.

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RonnieL says:

Very heartfelt scribe poet. Imagery spotlight!

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