RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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A Smile Like Yours


first love

Views: 661

Jasmine and Chance...Love you

A smile like yours open doors to my heart vibrations, rhythms of love sensations engulfing my being with your innocent touch

My love for you is never abrupt, but tranquil as deep blue seas, pleasing as a gentle breeze blowing calmly in night air. My child never despair for your father will always be there, with a loving hand to help you along the way

I replay a smile like yours in my mind its defined as love sweet love that's genuine...untainted, but represented in its truest form

I reflect on past a miracle that was set before me, what I witnessed tore me with amazement of your beautiful sight. I held you tight late in the night gazing down at a smile like yours

You have touched my hearts core, as I adore your presence that I call my own

For this I have grown as father and man, understanding God's plan to love you evermore, as I'm swept up in rapture of love when I see a smile like yours

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