Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25300
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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just different

Views: 199
Most people avoid her because of her heart. One minute she is caring, the next she is overbearing. The next she pours her heart the next she takes it all back and remains silent. Too many mood swings, too many off brand medicines. This was the reason that most people would avoid her. Catching an aliment of her own, The amount of hurt that she keep to herself without knowing how to release. Finding various labels to print on her forehead. Printing sticker on-top of sticker. Marking her down for quick sale. Some stickers faded. Others stuck from a different sales reel. Manifests long forgot about. Pushed back farther and further back on the shelf. Negligence from those whom always marked that she was there without actually pulling her forward. To ensure that she was alright, to knock the dust from her bottle. To encourage her to move her to the front of the shelf. She preferred to be alone for this same reason. Most notably hid in the dark far from the edge of the shelf. Out of sight out of mind, Content in her own little word. Where no-one could poke or pry, to make her feel uncomfortable about being herself. Her lid air tight when in reality all she wanted was to give herself. Finding a fear of searching hands whom picked over and put others before her. She'd sit at the back of the shelf where she was perfectly content until the day she could give all of herself. Not realizing that she pushed those away that truly cared about her in the process. The only prescription that could heal the sick and remove the ache of weary bones. A weary heart, more than a handful of reckless thoughts. She was a beautiful soul in a pharmacy full of sick physicians

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