Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26200
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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  double ruby
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Views: 232
Everyone attempts to put a price on everything. From jobs, to going on vacation. Fluctuating gas prices, the necessities we can't live without. The cost of everything is going up. There really isn't too much that people haven't put a stature to the almighty dollar which constantly diminishes everyday. We barely have enough time as it is without hustling trying to make time for the things that we truly care about and seem to neglect, having to constantly look at the clock. It robs us of the sincerity that follows. A genuine smile that is very courteous but is also rushed at the same time. Somehow we've come to the idea that we need a certain amount of money to truly enjoy ourselves. Big businesses know this very well. They expect us to cling on to the vast images that we see flashed in front of us in subliminal advertisement. Via television, social media, or word of mouth without realizing that too much time has already passed. About the only thing we truly take for granted are the moments that we finally remember to breathe and cherish the very same moments we remember to smile. Forgetting who we are in the process of trying to make ends meet while maintaining the perception if it's ever enough. If at all possible, today I want you to press pause on the things that make you smile And live in that moment for as long as possible. As it doesn't cost a thing to smile, it doesn't cost a thing to greet someone with a genuine embrace. It doesn't cost a thing to sit back and breathe for a second or two. Set a limit to how much you give of yourself. Because those whom take, will only continue to take

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