fear of failure will nail you
long before you perform
your first miracle every one has a hour
some of us have just one minute to go
fear of death is not optional
when dying is inevitable
to obtain a dream
you may have to swim
in a latrine, that's a lot of
ish to go through and not
too clean but it's your dream
throwing diamonds in the sky
when they could be sitting right
underneath your feet, so move your seat
you may even find gold if you get up and sweep
think deep, deeper than any depth you have been
life can be a grave experience in many holes
I have been every time I've hit the bottom
I've dug myself out with a pen, I do not claim
to know everything there are three I will defend
if you love what you do, your passion will save you
by the time your wings mend you will ascend
to those touched by fire, the journey never ends