Q.B. | Poetry Vibe
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Purging the demons one word at a time

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Where were you when I needed a friend?

When the times got hard near the bitter end

Where were you when the times got tough?

When the pathway to happiness went from smooth to rough

Where were you when the skies turned gray?

The tears began to fall, my heart began to ache

Where were you when my world come tumbling down?

When no light shone through, all smiles turned to frowns

Where were you when I would just sit and pray?

Maybe God would hear me soon and end this pain

I gave you my all and that was not enough

You ran over my heart like a bug hit by a truck

And now I must move on, gather my tattered life, mend my heart, stand tall, and be strong

Perhaps one day as you sit alone, you can ponder these things…

Where am I, Where have I gone?

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