ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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eye got the magic bullet if jew r bored perhaps
without any family, friends, relatives...if religious
ye kin pray to da lord unless ya r moored boor,
dis senor dislikes b in egg no ed, and unable to move,
or...mebbe trapped by a white striped tiger who
roared. many moons ago, i lived a pennfield manor
with water bugs that evicted me from da dive apart
ments in hatfield in close proximity to the curt van
guts oot a thar slaughter house five. mine eyes saw
glory at remained like an orbital fixture sans reac
tion to your visible picture. oh, anyway, this reply
written by me - scott math u passable poet tree - at
most true this email far ye to rue the twisted strands
of pearl jammed zz topped chromosomal strands
being did hew who only to five feet and ten inches
grewcrafts, finesses, indulges love of language to
prose from fingers flew and writes poems cawing
all r e'en juiced one angry emu leaving her/his
presents of custom made doo doo per comprising
a motley crue of a family - pearl jammed color
ague. soap please rsvp asap via text to me scott
matthews my chosen ac/dc label i.e. pleasure
like rubbing against sable create r hard woo n
intimate scorpion fable unless ja noah under me
ma jib rush like inxs o ruck kiss in tower o babe
bull by texting if willing, ready, eager and able, 
(this nokia hand held device nada set up to receive
voice mails) TRACFONE NUMBER = 215--370--
8929 email address = hay4four@aol.com froom
- - scotts matthew of the mainline - juiced about
a dozen miles west of philadelphia, and some
ten miles east of king o prussia, pennsylvania
who imagines your sultry skin silkily soft as
a lynx, cat rubbing against ma leg
under da table.

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