mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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On the Shores of the Sea of Misery



Views: 301


Pain, the nemesis of love, festers in its own wound;

forgiveness lay rotting in fields of hate.  Umbilical link

and offspring severed—physical and spiritually.


If only it could be as the eagle that stirs the nest; stirs

that eaglets learn the reality of survival.  Rather

being like that larvae of the beetle of human emotions

that bores in and devours its prey from within;

leaving an empty shell of what once was a spiritual being.


The symbiotic nature of nature balances into mutuality;

that of the nature of her human creature, with liberty

of decision, often ends in a quid pro quo scale—Buoyed.


The sea of human emotions sends frothing waves

splashing equally the shores of life’s times:

be it high or low tides—moon of misery wields

the trepid gravity of the pain of hurt.


Why must the sun set on the horizon of atonement;

leaving sorrow and repentance lingering beneath skies of hope;

darkening with the dread of a hurricane of vanity?


The ship of love seeks not recompense; just a safe harbor to

anchor and be moored in a berth of a wharf thereof.

Grant there will be a firmament of love above life’s waters;

and may the soaring dove avenge the devouring hawk.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. Peace and Love.

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