Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 303

You've offered me

Enormous deformities while forming me

Beyond abysmal diction dysmorphia see

You had my soul engorged

See how scorched my endorphins be

You didn't count how profound OR pronounced

My abounding force would be

As my semantics are antics of sorcery

I propose prose composed

To be sewn and woven awesomely

I cry and moan yet remain sane morally

With anger and rage I was once engaged

As my hearts darkness had grown enormously

And imparted a darkened heart of enormity

But became vacuous even fatuous purportedly

Emotions of loathing & disdain remained, horridly

Hurting me much more horribly

Yet LETTING GO was seen to be affordably

And it afforded me

To try it, and like it like a Lycan

Like I did non-conformity

So I'm more mellow as my soul bellowed

And left behind much coarse debris

Because my perceptual flaws were on course

To force me into the hands of authority

As my old path of wrath

Had burned me to the fourth degree

Now I take pills of peace, orally

Remaining sane in this mundane plane

And offer myself cordially

Enjoying this existence

Because I see Gaias beauty

As a scene that's seen gorgeously

And I FEEL my precious presence

Has NEVER lessened

And I'm effectively expressing my lessons sonorously

And as a part of hearts catharsis

I grew to harness the darkness cautiously

NOW I'M forcibly endorsing ME

Not endorsing FORCE

But morphing into a mega force

Like a red dwarf coursing me

Which is why, OF COURSE I BLEED

And my mental glossary, continues to sift and sit through

As I spit through sinews, and flipped views remorsefully

But NOW I gotta exit this perplexed wit

As my next wic, shall be my nexus

So open your third eye

But first relax your solar plexus!



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