hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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just different

Views: 235


Do not hesitate to tread where I have walked
For, where I walked got me there and back again
My footsteps may not be the path that you would take
But I ventured down the path

And obstacles I did have to conquer
The obstacles are still there
But if you follow in my footsteps
You will know how to conquer those obstacles

And when I am gone do not cry
It is true that my flesh will be turned to dust
And my dust will dissipate into the air
Small particles of me will eventually be everywhere

My spirit shall travel with the sum of my particles
So when you are outdoors breathing the earths air
You will always know that I am there
And when you walk on the soil or rock beneath your feet

You will know I was there
Think of me as a person who was
And think of me as a person who is.

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