![]() Royale jones
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street cries says: Very nice ink |
Ready to pairWords may never reach the confines of the heart Yet the heart may reach the confines of every word For your gaze has said more in a single look than a language stretched across the construct of time could ever express I wish merely to have known the whites of your eyes than to experience the blindness of a tarnished heart The truth of love can only be revealed in the mist of the backside of the sun’s position For lovers only meet where addictions start and cravings force the aroma of lust To breathe easy is a labor of epic proportion A younger constellation knows not a true position for all sights become the vision of stars Yet our moment fled like an foreign concept To be brushed over wheat with the back of a hand and warm days of a pasture. |
More precious than diamondsWhy you let him treat you like that. you know it ain't right! everytime you wanna roam, he lock you inside. he said that he love, but he don't trust you. contradicting BS everybody always tell you about what he do, but you never see it. excuses excuses, abusive solutions. no he never hit you, but every other word is dumb this, stupid that, bitc# this, #oe that, and that's no way to live. you should be given, all that someone has to give. you should be someone's Adam's rib. this is real! stop hiding the way you feel. you aren't in a contract, just let him know the deal. your beautiful intelligent, and wont be put down, unless its on a bed with lust, love and comfort. There's one thing for cert, you need love more than hurt and live your days with all yourself worth..... |
Hurt little peopleTruth be told.... thinking about you ***ing another man used to hurt my soul. Just a sign I had to grow, gotta learn to let go. I did it slow! still thinking about whether I made the right decision or was I over reacting sacrificing my comfort, to gain long term satisfaction. I still remember back when... when I gave up everything to see you grin. I believe in equality now days. If I give it my all, you give it back! That's fair trade. Not you do whatever and whenever you want, and I play maid. That's just the world you've made! One day you'll find out that the world you made... feels more like a grave.Then you'll wish you spent less of people's mind, money and time on your lime....lights camera action! You've played yourself! I don't blame you, but now no one will give you a dime! You should be fine, but independence day never came for you. Instead you got a Lyft to the mall. Partied hard! Bags on your arms, bags under your eyes. Now th... |
Open love letterI don’t think we ever had a real conversation I was always to busy Always overlooking overthinking overbooking Working my life way Truth be told maybe you sacred me away You were to perfect A little to worth it And I was not ready to get my life in order Even though you still stuck with me You were even my best supporter You never gave up on me Smiled at every wrong deed Hugged my every wrong decision that crafted me I became bitter and desperate destroying myself at least to me Yet you whispered love and confidence to me No one has ever hurt me like I hurt me And no one has ever loved me like you have loved me So I think it’s time to see that is, if you myself Still want me! |
How to become a cyclist for dummies!I’m only a slave to my better nature This might take yah A little longer to digest this fruitful thought How many chances do you get too die? You may think that’s easy! One! Let me learn you A few examples a bout the birds and the bees The he’s and she’s Since now a days parents are kids who never fast forward bad habits used on rewind made crept into this child’s design Emotionally unaware yelling out every chance I don’t care! Was a far cry for what was truly there! There he grew divided and conquered Broken hearted never to know true worth always thought money first His hole’ly clothes were not fresh to def but all the same They killed his confidence Now innocence turns murderess intents I’ll never feel like this again Dope with his charm eye candy for... |
Barney RubbleMy life is above heights a beautifuly unusually orchestrated musical Created from muffled yells and outrageous pain You want that work? Perks of the projects teach kids to be rejects socially awkward side steps Take a breath! They take more than what's needed then tell you to make it work more or less I baked bread from them crumbs Made homes out them slumbs Taught man how to make fire You called them bums We ate well enough Circled the block with a hard walk Speaking in code like ewalks searching for that first mill I didn't like life's card Momma always told me I didn't like to deal Got tired of eating corn flakes Sh!t ain't great It's chilly outside For that bowl I'm a cereal killer Thinking no... |
HandoutsYou don't have to love me tonight You don't have to trust me for life You have to believe I'm your type Just close your eyes and take the flight Let your mind loose, and hold on tight Caught up in the moment, but it feel so right! We don't need lights We don't need music We don't need hype Just bring the lust, get lost in my touch. Taste my finger tips, while I'm gripping your butt No strings attached except the ones tying you up No first names No selfish blame No things to explain Just warm water falling like rain Sticky body parts, and tongues being exchanged All passion no pain! Unless you ask nicely You don't have to worry about tomorrow You don't have to make a decision tonight You can be whoever you want! Everything is right. What do give away? |
No breathI'm less for the times stuck in rhymes where the blind lead the blind peeping through blinds code red the code read too close we shoot first on approach left with notes suicide by testing the inches skin darker than guinness tennis only his shoes life only the blues where choices only a few blunt birds kids on the curb time and a bullet everything flue sick to my stomach words tasting like vomit where do you plummet coming from the bottom best phrase who got em! games played game ran chasing bread toaster in hand gun don't jam music do hundred round drum sound musical who are you brownie points we petty the fool it's laughable stuck in the zone money feel attachable fatal shyt never married title read I guess she miss! Lost options.... |
A fan of your staring roleI've lseen what you try to hide in your heart distant traveler who could illuminate the dark and down a path from your mind to that spark that settles in you eye's as your thoughts tear apart lost in many ways, waves crush against rocks oceans of devotion couldn't tell good bye's or hello's apart. where up's meet down's characteristics of a victim play's the part symptoms of a sickness becomes the heart your everything you've said you were mind of matter the truths never the start, it's the ending when winning loses it's vengeance of remarks lies seem true when they come from You giving them a emotional part movies are not real life is a everlasting role to play so to I'll say watch what you cast in your heart! That role may not be perfect for you to play! For every role you take on you lose a little of yourself until you become someone else how would that make yoy happy. |
The lookThere was once a time where I could look into those eyes and see my life time engulfed in love formed around the perimeters of my heart protected by a love built for an unconditional bond withstood through the testament of time and every obstacle, hardship or disruption fell short of penetration of what we had, was nothing short of a godsend. That wasn't now! That was then! I guess I'll keep looking in the mirror at least I can trust myself not to let weakness in! |