<3 | Poetry Vibe
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It never was



Views: 257

This is a story of broken memories, the kind you never regret, the ones you think its best to forget.

She lost a man long ago to nothing more then her petty ego.

She knew from the beginning that it would never last, but gave into her desire and played her emotions half fast.

It would just take a look and one kiss for her feelings to become something that she could not dismiss.

She batteled everyday with herself, fighting these emotions, tossing back and forth these fantasized notions.

Her life became full of sorrow, always hoping for that magical tommorow; the day where he would say how he felt about her, that not being together was something he could no longer endure.

But these tommorows they never came, and soon her hope vanished, she now knew he was never hers and that thought needed to lanquish.

So she pushes through her days on her own, knowing the rip in her heart will never be sewn.

She thinks of him from time to time and still feels that tug in her chest, pushing down the feelings to keep them at rest.

And everyday she will continue to smile, believing that that one moment was worth it all the while.

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