ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 194

me full of barn manure,  knuckle head, poppy...
   or field at my ethereal self e sum such utter ants
so....mainly, i feel pleased at enjoying n get tin out kinks
   the journey of this a d sired start 2 a 4 friendship dance
which hoop fully an b for u2 a cure,
   a great doctor kin cure u2 in france
   for psychedelic furs, psychic ills
   (if applicable) n offer inxs to glance
at the other with unconditional acceptance, 
   strip tea zing PHYSICAL INTERCOURSE
   (though most likely pleasurable) 4 
   2 erect or exhume a treasured bond
   (may be offal by products from an earlier epoch of the homo sapiens sojourner for truth) means more than sex, thus just by merely initiating this online parry n thrust, u did already
   en hance subsequent moments, though long since accustomed 

   to solitude, the wings of fate brought thee
   even if we converse or take in a sight - 
   perhaps express our stance
on this, that or another thought provoking topic, 
   ah...that could be a balm n put me in a trance.

i would feel flattered that you took the time
to purr ruse this not - noah matter what fate may decree
   after you read this rhyme.

mebbe tomorrow this bloke 
   can sneak thru ur computer screen 
   disguised as a bit
to tickle your savory clit
trying to maintain vigilance
   lest thy supervisor catches us and goes in2 a fit
without spoiling us 2 score a home run or touch down hit
unless he/she would b fain 2 arouse thine little pubic pit
despite protestations viz 
   secrete service agents  provocateurs t'would not quit
hence this tong n chic hay b us corp us writ.

this anonymous older male who surfs the net
   understandable 2 cum across 
   as desperado fruitcake nutcase you n'er met
for a female he wants to get
butta my ohmydog home life
i wanna meaningful rapport with a worthy gal you bet.

this chap just wants to feel a rush thru 
   my entire being n transfer said ac/dc electric spark 
plug thru the ether and thence 
   upon thine direct bodice this outcome (of course)
predicated on that "y" shaped pubic mark
to reciprocate more than a billy idle curiosity 
   at being mildly amused on a lark
no need to 4 any apr, interest boring loan, 
  monkey down, hype or pressure - hark.

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