ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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On the Attributes of Being Average -- poem title


just different

Views: 328

Each set of twenty three chromosomes 
 came together as a pair
genetic combination brought about
 bouncing baby boy skinny and fair
born just over two score and six years
 from when I took first gasp of air
and became precious human dependent
 for my father and mother to care
whose ordinariness unconditionally loved
 as cause celebre au contraire.

Nowadays every potential mom and dad
 disappointed unless offspring
 qualified as gifted lass or lad
and go to great lengths to prod and push
 their progeny until a genius to be had.

Rather than be thankful at awesome miracle 
 of healthy and sound baby boy or girl
(which ranks like some spellbinding
 underwater phenomena whereby an oyster
 produces a rare and treasured pearl)
premium on some certain criteria
bring their reaction of having an average kid 
   lips to ala Elvis curl.

matthew scott - a quiet riot political hume m annoyed bot
a mesh n inxs of chris cross wires that spew steam when hot
live west of philadelphia, penna by a jot.

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