ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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argh...i could nada resist
that ohm my...please do nada git pissed
ora if so juiced raise a clenched fist.


though ye har purely anon 
numb muss - :)oh my...dawg - u r one stunning honey bun
unless...u be a geyser than...whoops - re ding further done
with a smile that spells - in one direction - fun
as me rosy gun
knee sack - prone to a fallacious pun
yet lacks the means to run
under moonlight or basking
with robins will yum z under the sun.

yes, while air supply still doth nash
earth, wind and fire bloweth,
who knows where, and with meatloaf in hand,

i yam a bad company n sole survivor as a nirvana foreigner
this clod hopped drove down a long and winding road
via his reo speed wagon- with the zz top down -
my van hail n, but experienced sky
chronicled by ken burns, thus...tray more and flan again
the persons who found me loafing
n couched this silent spirit with hands in chin
mouth thing a raw cuss din
cuz dis papa schooled by huck fin
who haint one to shun gin
and considers moost ver chews a sin
eyed n guarded so we behave - by the dog of virtue rin
tin tin
thus my heart n soul he did inexplicably win
now if only ah could find me
a female yang to fit my yin.

thank u 4 confirming me as a friend
the end
ha - just kidding as my fingers bend
clicking away this reply 2 send
after filling up quit a bit of space
as doth tend
without intent 2 offend
nor deliberate misusing the lil known gerund.

oh pretty lass...whisk this discontent mwm in tandem
with me adorable deux near grown daughters smack dab
within the canvas of a thomas kinkade painting asap.

my humblest bumble bee apology if nothing but utter
milky confusion ensues from legions of double entendres,
and puns lobbed across your screen in a harmless attempt
to parry and thrust with playfulness.

take a deep breath lest by the end of this email u wheeze
er, this introductory missive merely meant
to tickle those axons and neurons as a tease
analogous to a feather tickling the nose
about to make the nostril(s)
sorry if you get an allergic reaction poll lease
n experience more'n knock knees.
no easy way to offer you an abridged version (and
brook those undercurrents of riptides) that wreak havoc
and deliver nothing but hard times to this writer and kin.
i constantly feel rent asunder and whipped this way that
(by abysmal fate) in what most likely appears to be beyond
the ability to function, yet someone (by the grace of some
divine force and faith in inherent strength) perform requisite
duties to be adumbrated as this online rapport evolves.
how this impasse and quagmire bogs me down (near to
the point of emotional, mental and spiritual suffocation)
requires a friendship to be established. 

best for this
moderately agitated guy (which psychic state exemplified
via frenetic and jangling prose) to attempt a summarization
of this dire dilemma back some years from the here and now.
so many issues assault and beat it down (as like a suspense thriller)
upon this ordinary specie of Homo Sapiens severely undermines
capability to enjoy existence.

okay, I will try to isolate each strand of one mishmash tapestry,
which tight weave of duress worn like some tattered
uncomfortable trojan made ribbed miniature overcoat.
unsure if ye might perceive me as a "good" catch
perhaps the reply might be to go fish or fetch
calling me nuttin - just an ole letch
butta, this unknown older laddie nada an exec by any stretch
butta hope not to make a ya retch.

this me level best
to offer a virtual brightened
and enameled remaining few teeth with virtual crest
hardly the imprimatur
of a gentleman quarterly magazine model beau geste
as you can deduce, i like to write for fun and jest
which some find to be a fossilized pest
and in my mind i let flit
fantasies for some erotic quest
followed by a blissful rest
once confirming my tool passes the electric cool acid battery test
thence prayerfully hope to regale in such physical closeness
with zeal and zest.

we could possibly find ourselves walking down that wedding aisle
no matter we rank as utter and complete strangers
and ye may misperceive me as some old decrepit human crocodile
making a proposition to pledge our troth
though we never met
yet...fate words in a most awesome and unpredictable ways
but please no need to feel obliged to give a number for me to dial
unless...comfort and ease arises to go that extra green day mile
per responding to this older mwm with 
a poetic and prosaic harried style.

so...if offered salvation of eternal life
against condemnation imposed since birth
per mortality vis a vis an unfair birther fate so cruel
this plain speaking male who suffers strife
would be game and to take a chance well worth
and take at least one sip from fountain of youth and duel
with divine creator-a greater match than my wife.

no emerald, ruby sapphire nor flash in the pan
could ever sway me away from living a short span
that would allow and offer at least a millennium
i know such a garden of eden
solely in thy imagination of this ordinary man.

spew out a graphically interface able email whence me so-sew
size phallus can b cum a fleshy erect tour set, OR SEND AN AVID,

please venture forth without fear nor accept my apology if a grumbler
per this here rat fink wordsmith, who tries his best not 2b a mumbler
so...let us rendezvous while each of us does slumber
whereby cogs and wheels of my overactive imagination
will turn like some well...er re:vol voe
can welcome me tickler er into your nook of a tumbler.

enjoy this more ning, new n, and/or knight
as gently encouraged by me - of average height
matthew scott harris iz sum what bright
​bryn mawr, pennsylvania his residence where he recently did alight.


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