Masterpiece I am the creator of this masterpiece
no do-overs, no touch-ups,
im throwing nothing away
This picture becomes more beautiful as new layers, depths, and dimensions are created
This masterpiece is where the whispers of my soul are translated
the language of my spirit is interpreted
the matrix of my mind is untangled
and compartments of my heart are discovered
I'm allowing my master to guide my hand
so that this masterpiece reflects beauty in His image
Make Room to Fill It's said that one must make room for those things desired
For as long as I can remember
From When the void first began to manifest itself in my emotions, my demeanor, my personality, my decisions
Was when I began to reduce my dreams, reduce my vision, limit my thinking, dim my light, deny myself of evolving into my true greatness,
I believed that if I reduced my self enough, if I made myself small enough,
That I was allowing room for that void to be filled with that special type of love ordained to be given by only a father
I was making room to receive a Father’s Love
But from a lover.....
Always being left unfulfilled
Because the void was never filled
~Honey J
Never Filled It's said that one must make room for those things desired
On the flip side,
For as long as I can remember
From When the void first began to manifest itself in my emotions, my demeanor, my personality, my decisions
was when I began to reduce my dreams, reduce my vision, limit my thinking, dim my light, deny myself of evolving into my true greatness,
I believed that if I reduced my self enough, if I made myself small enough, That I was allowing room for that void to be filled with that special type of love ordained to be given by a father
I was making room for THAT type of love to be given by a lover..... and always being left unfulfilled because the void was never filled
Never Filled It's said that one must make room for those things desired
On the flip side,
For as long as I can remember
From When the void first began to manifest itself in my emotions, my demeanor, my personality, my decisions
was when I began to reduce my dreams, reduce my vision, limit my thinking, dim my light, deny myself of evolving into my true greatness,
I believed that if I reduced my self enough, if I made myself small enough, That I was allowing room for that void to be filled with that special type of love ordained to be given by a father
I was making room for THAT type of love to be given by a lover..... and always being left unfulfilled because the void was never filled
Masterpiece I am the creator of this masterpiece
No do-overs, no touch-ups,
Im throwing nothing away
This picture becomes more beautiful as new layers, depths, and dimensions are created
This masterpiece is where the whispers of my soul are translated
The language of my spirit is interpreted
The matrix of my mind is untangled
And the compartments of my heart are discovered
I'm allowing my master to guide my hand
so that this masterpiece reflects beauty in His image
Still Reaching
Miles away I can't reach you
Standing next to me, I don't see you
Deep inside of me, I can't feel you
Sent for you but you never came
Offered myself to you and you rejected me
Saw me and passed me by
Gave myself to you and you discarded me
Begged and pleaded for you to stay but you walked away
Told you I needed you but you neglected me
cried for you and you ignored me
Made my heart your home and you left me
Nurtured your wounds but you deepened mines
And I'm still reaching
I'm still searching
I'm still trying to find
A love that belongs to me
Sent from the Divine
Struggle of a Millennial Black Woman My standard of love has been set based on fairytale movies and the love I never received from daddy.
So understandably loving me has been a burden to all that have loved me or ever attempted
Divine King His spirit holds the vision of our destiny
His feet walk within God's Will
His words breath love and reveLation
Our strengths anchor us to Christ
And our weaknesses is an entryway for the Holy Spirit to continuously revive and renew us
When he see's my heart, he see's his own heart, embraced and fully protected within mine