hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Divine Mortality


just different

Views: 232

Divine Mortality

When I think of being mortal I never chortle, but, instead
I put those thoughts behind and hope to be divine
If when I die there's nothing more
and I will go away forever, never more

to be, I'll hope for a miracle
of some meaning or a purpose to define
Perhaps it's true that when you die
there's nothing more from ship or shore

the course being silent, dark and deep
Perhaps, at the thought of death
we should just wring our hands and weep
and into esoteric worlds of fantasy

we should, hopefully, creep
It's hard to be nothing at all,
or into some empty abyss fall
But, if there's hope to find and death

is a rebirth of a continuum in space
and time, then no matter what I do,
my mortality is divine.

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Work...thanks for sharing

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