I had to stroke my ego the other day, I tried to see myself in another way and not for what I really was. I was struggling to define myself. I was using a white dictionary and the black parts just didnt add it.
I was struck. Not in movement but in mind and a hatred for own kind. I messed up. I was paying attention and I learned that racism was a la carte and I was the only thing on the menu.
I was hungry for something, I could feel it oozing its way into my skin and bones, I heard a sound and it defeaned me. It pushed me passed morality and the love for my fellow brother. I knew to make it I had to push him aside. I would be on this ride along when the truth is I should have had them riding with me along.
I was weak for being strong, black for being wrong, and white for being pretty much everything that wasn't black.
I was whitewashed and flipped inside out. I was in a drought and praying for rain in a room of pain and discontent. I saw the truth for what it was but my ego would not let me go.