love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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Views: 405

I woke up and smelled bacon today but the truth is I just woke up, that was the critical part for me. The outlook was bleek last night and I didnt know where to turn, which street to cross, which bridge to burn, which water to walk on and which one to drown. 

I was out there in a lost circle of influence of things that didnt need influence. I was mixed and with no direction and in the numbness of it all I needed affection. 

I was lost. I wrote out a complete sentence and scratched it all out. They were all pieces of words that didnt make any sense, it seemed like my thoughts but behind a fence. It is hard to explain and also maintain self. 

So this morning I woke up and smelled bacon but it it could of been what I was smelling was me.

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