WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Boo Radley


just different

Views: 413

On a plane at night thinking
Watching the lights on the wing blinking
30,000 feet from my window seat
Typing words into notes, each
Line has to rhyme
Not a quite game but it's my favorite pastime
Silly and pensive
Vague and specific
Freestyles with a twist its
A journal of my journey
Where I can plead my case like an attorney 
Master this like Atticus' doubts
When Jem and his sister Scout
Asked me to step out of the house
I obliged timid but gladly
Out of my shell like Boo Radley 
My past casts shadows without light
The longer and stronger I fight
Haters and instigators want to relinquish my rights
Full of doubt but I still live my life
So I write about what I know and don't know

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