WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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No Problems


just different

Views: 303

You don't want no problem with me
I might only be a buck and half plus three
But I really wish you'd test me
All this rage that I suppress like Banner, Bruce
Transforms into a green beast who proceeds to cuts loose
Then my reality becomes your nightmare
I see the fear in your eyes as I tear
Your life piece by piece
Nothing but pain, blood stains and future family grief
I was mild mannered but you had to poke and provoke
Damn this rage calms my nerves like some cigarette smoke
As your moans and groans crescendo so goes your hope
Pulse goes life ends as you take your last gulp
Of air, I don't care cuz you didn't heed and believe
When a said at the start you don't want no problems with me...

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