WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Born to lose, die to win?


just different

Views: 259

I came here to worship 
Not to play these silly games
If I fail to tithe think I'll end up in flames?
Sister, deacon, usher, preacher
Hats, fancy clothes, and choir features
The gospel, idols, grape juice, punishment, contradiction, testament
If we aren't the chosen ones, then why is all this relevant?
Sex, money, drugs
Family, hate, and love
Why is God a man?
How come we can't understand
All of the voices
Right and wrong choices
Cursed with the gift of free will
Yet we still beg, borrow, and steal
Cheat, covet and kill
Driven to avoid pain and seek pleasure 
So we crave riches and constantly compare to measure
Worth, so we're born to lose and die to win?
So why are only few favored and many cursed again?

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