I met a fisherman just the other day who cast his line my way
What manner of man is this I did insist
He delved deep into the ocean of my soul reeling in memories I had
wanted to fade but to him they must be told
That net which he pulled me in made me face the reality that I had hoped come to an end
I was a war vet who thought his 30 year journey of nightmares
sleepless nights anxiety was his and his alone
this fisherman hashed all those memories of war from my mind
and convinced me mine was shared by thousands of the same kind
If not for this fisherman who reeled me in on his deft fishing line
I probably would be still hid in the deep dark murky waters
until the end
of my mortal time
So I salute this fisherman of men whose name is Neon Leon
the man that bought me to the light
Sadly one of my best friends past 2 years ago he is one of three difference makers in my life
Leon was a social worker who helped me get my claim for PTSD through learned so much from though only knew for five years he worked for the Vet Center In Hartford Conn