Last year did you vote? Nope
Are you crazy and on dope? Yup
Got healthcare and a job? Nope
Put all the burden on god? Yup
Got a trade/go to school? Nope
Are you an insignificant fool? Yup
Volunteer? Nope
Drink beer? Yup
Plant a garden or a tree? Nope
Watch TV? Yup
Future in yo' Front? Nope
Support Donald Trump? Yup
Take care of your son? Nope
Own a gun? Yup
Rid of your debt? Nope
Drive a Corvette? Yup
Jury duty? Nope
Watch Judge Judy? Yup
Hero? Nope
Shiftless negro? Yup
Say hi to a stranger? Nope
Kicked in the head by a Texas Ranger? Yup
Go to church? Nope
In the trap putting in work? Yup
Discipline your kids? Nope
Let them watch YouTube vidz? Yup
Kids proud of they dad? Nope
Sagging jeans with a rag? Yup
Got a retirement plan? Nope
Hooptie wheels spinning like a fan? Yup
Got a loan? Nope
Rent to own? Yup
Everybody got choices
Choose wisely in these best and worst of times
Everybody got choices
One year on PoetryVibe with almost 300 rhymes