Perry Mason | Poetry Vibe
Perry Mason
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Mansion Backyard Real



Views: 268

Por’ Up nothing just like him,

Young Bobo I’m stunting Lobo to them,

These turns are late so U know We early,

Thee is the only time I’m going to tell U about murder,

I trained Lobo to catch the bandit,

Into the Walnut Pit of Panics,

Unfortunately, she-mac may want the fight,

All against Mac evil I pop the Light,

Por’ Up like its nothing I can make a mac disappear,

Gone with devoids of Birds in their career,

Blessed hell of a life as a menace of a shepard,

Humiliating the bold look to commit White Leopard,

Anytime, of the day, I’ll be caught serving,

Now U know we upping the room by 6:30,

Protecting us from the cubit birds of the police,

Ppl we poof drunk ranger beneath the seat,

I know U mad just sitting there with all those chairs,

Know Mo’ Polo them bricks, I’m stunting her share,

Big Ears maintaining trenches she don’t have,

Little does she know the tank is just the beginning of flat,

Motor Rolls I better page just to look,

Avoiding the zones and stares of her bathing suit.

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